Lesson Lunacy

These darn kids keep burning through substitute teachers. Can you survive a day with them? Play lesson cards to keep the kids occupied until the end of the hour, when you draw new lesson cards. Make it to Lunch (12PM Noon) to refresh your health, then make it to End of Day (5PM) to win the game! The Class Average grades act as modifiers on the cards. Subjects they’re good at take less time, and vice versa. For example, if the class has a D- in Math, and you play a Math card, it will be much more effective. If they have an A+ in History, your History cards won’t work either. You’re smart, you’ll figure it out.

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Tomb Blaster

An homage to retro arcade shooters à la House of the Dead.You’re the Tomb Blaster, searching for artifacts to blast. Be careful, some tombs are

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Weave through different attacks and take down predators that are trying to hunt you in this underwater themed bullet hell boss rush!

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Catch Up With Myself

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